You can deliberately practice any aspect of the software development process, even activities with low or no coding load. In fact, the original series of katas by Dave Thomas begins with a domain modeling exercise with no actual coding required. We should not be shocked by this because the point is to focus on one aspect and improve at it.
Last week I paired with Omar1 to work on the Gilded Rose problem (our code). This problem is extraordinary, not because of being unrelated with coding, but for its starting point. Your mission consists on adding a simple case to a smelly, highly-nested spaghetti mass of legacy code. The focus is to learn how to modify existing code in very bad shape with no tests to back you up, just like the typical working day of the less fortunate developers2.
Just like in the real work, you might be tempted to carefully add just the new, simple case to the existing logic and, as there is no test infrastructure yet, skip writing automated tests. But this is very dangerous as you could not fully understand the complicated code and any regression could silently hide in your changes.

Hands on approach: don't let lack of tests delay you.
Lessons from
Takeshi's Clastle
The next idea coming into the mind might be to extract pieces from the spaghetti mass and provide unit tests for them. This is also risky because you don’t get test coverage until you extract the pieces and by then you might have screw up. The recommended approach is to produce an integrated regression test that is created by producing as many random inputs as possible and keeping the results of the original code as the truth. This relation of inputs and outputs that substitutes our understanding of the code while refactoring is known as the golden master3.

All praise to the might golden master.
(Actually a lego idol)
It is pretty standard to use a golden master for this exercise but we decided to give it a twist by using generative tests with scalacheck. Generative testing relies on three principles:
- Random input generators. You don’t explicitly write the inputs for your
tests, they are generated randomly. In the case of scalacheck, a generator
is anything extending
and you get number, string and collection generators out of the box.
val sellInDays = Gen.chooseNum[Int](-10, 10)
val qualities = Gen.posNum[Int]
val itemNames = Gen.oneOf(
"Normal item",
"Aged Brie",
"Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros",
"Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert",
"+5 Dexterity Vest"
Generators are composable by means of the classic combinators (map
, filter
and the like) and by for
val items = for {
name <- itemNames
sellIn <- sellInDays
quality <- qualities
} yield new Item(name, sellIn, quality)
val itemArrays = Gen.containerOf[Array, Item](items)
val daysToPass = Gen.posNum[Int]
- Properties. Instead of defining concrete inputs and outputs, you define
the properties (in the sense of rules or laws) that the code should satisfy
and it is the test runner job to find a counterexample by generating inputs.
In out case, we use a copy of the original algorithm,
, to detect any regression. In other words, our property is “The refactored gilded rose should behave like the golden master”:
"The refactored gilded rose" should "behave like the golden master" in {
forAll(daysToPass, itemArrays) { (days, items) =>
val master = new GoldenMaster(items)
val instance = new GildedRose(
for (_ <- 1 to days) {
instance.items.toList shouldBe master.items.toList
Counterexample minimization. Once the test runner finds a counterexample it tries to find a smaller input that also violates the same property. This is important to make this testing strategy useful. A failed test showing hundreds of randoms items of different types can be very difficult to understand and fix. Thanks to the minimization process you usually get error messages with just one element and small numbers and strings are involved. Note the “shrink” labels in this example:
[info] The refactored gilded rose [info] - should behave like the golden master *** FAILED *** [info] TestFailedException was thrown during property evaluation. [info] Message: List(Item(Aged Brie, -5, 17)) was not equal to List(Item(Aged Brie, -5, 25)) [info] Location: (GildedRoseTest.scala:34) [info] Occurred when passed generated values ( [info] arg0 = 4, // 1 shrink [info] arg1 = Array(Item(Aged Brie, -5, 25)) // 2 shrinks [info] )
This is a huge advantage over other ways of implementing a golden master because you get helpful and minimal error cases instead of random monstrosities.
In the end, we didn’t introduce any regression bug during our refactoring that wasn’t also caught by the unit tests we were adding to the new classes but the generative golden master was an important and very cheap4 source of confidence.
Not to confuse with Omar Little. We were programming, not robbing street-level drug dealers. ↩
If this is the norm in your company and there is no force changing it, either start a rebellion or try to move elsewhere. ↩
This technique is known as characterization test in Michael Feathers’ Working effectively with legacy code ↩
A few minutes from adding the library dependencies to having the test successfully failing ↩