Have you ever wondered what is the essence of object-oriented programming? Some people will tell you that object orientation is a non-concept plagued by epistemological problems while most of the people will pick different, sometimes incompatible things.
As Paul Graham points out, the vague concept of OO is typically a subset of encapsulation, protection, several kinds of polymorphism, everything-is-an-object-ness, message passing, inheritance, etc. In his ironic words:
Because OO is a moving target, OO zealots will choose some subset of this menu by whim and then use it to try to convince you that you are a loser.
This very old quote of Alan Perlis can be understood as a critique of the object-oriented style:
It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.
In fact, one problem of having rich object models with many classes is that we lose the leverage that many functions operating on a single type could bring us. The standard OO tool for this problem is the polymorphism. A single method call (declared in an interface or by duck typing) can be directed to many different implementations. In this spirit, Rich Hickey updated the old Perlis idea (emphasis mine):
It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data abstraction than 10 functions on 10 data structures.
A magnificent example of this concept is the collections library of his own programming language, Clojure. With a couple of functions from the about 100 functions summarized on Clojure’s documentation site, you can express almost any collection transformation function you ever need to write1.
However, doing this with classical polymorphism is only easy when you control
the code of all the classes that need to implement the interface. Hickey’s can
easily make sets to comply with ISeq
but you might be frustrated trying to get
a value from a library by creating subclasses (tricky and no always possible) or
the adapter pattern2 (cumbersome and sometimes impractical).
But there is a technique addressing these problems (and the more general expression problem) called ad-hoc polymorphism. Some programming languages implement different flavors of it either directly or as a design pattern.
Motivating example in Haskell
Let’s start with a Haskell example, as it is the programming language that has popularized type classes3 as a form of ad-hoc polymorphism. Imagine that you need to convert a list of strings into a JSON array.
toJson1 :: [String] -> String
toJson1 elems = toArray (map quote elems)
where quote elem = '"' : elem ++ "\""
toArray elems = '[' : concat (intersperse ", " elems) ++ "]"
This code works as expected:
*Main> toJson1 ["a", "b", "c"]
"[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]"
What happens when we want to generalize the input from [String]
to a generic
list? Most OO programming languages have a toString
or to_s
in the top
type4 so you can always convert to string whatever you receive.
However, in Haskell there is no inheritance or subtype relations and so no
to call, but there is a show
function. Let’s use it and
let the compiler infer the function signature.
toJson2 elems = toArray $ map show elems
where toArray elems = '[' : concat (intersperse ", " elems) ++ "]"
*Main> toJson2 ["a", "b", "c"]
"[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]"
*Main> toJson2 [1, 2, 3]
"[1, 2, 3]"
*Main> :t toJson2
toJson2 :: Show a => [a] -> [Char]
Now it works both for string and numbers! More interestingly, the Show a =>
part of the signature means that this function works with any type having an
instance of the Show
type class. Most standard types are show-ables but
functions are not.
*Main> toJson2 [(+), (-)]
<interactive>:23:1: error:
• No instance for (Show (a0 -> a0 -> a0))
To make a new type show-able we just need to instantiate the class for it.
The relevant part of the Show
class is:
class Show a where
show :: a -> String
We can introduce some domain specific type and give it a show instance:
data Conversation = Conversation { from :: Int
, to :: Int
, text :: String }
instance Show Conversation where
show (Conversation from to text) =
concat [ "{\"from\":", show from, ",",
"\"to\":", show to, ",",
"\"text\":", show text, "}" ]
And it works like a charm!
*Main> putStrLn $ toJson2 [Conversation 1 2 "hi!", Conversation 2 1 "hello"]
[{"from":1,"to":2,"text":"hi!"}, {"from":2,"to":1,"text":"hello"}]
*Main> toJson2 [Conversation 1 2 "hi!", Conversation 2 1 "hello"]
"[{\"from\":1,\"to\":2,\"text\":\"hi!\"}, {\"from\":2,\"to\":1,\"text\":\"hello\"}]"
However, we are misusing the Show
instance. Its purpose is having canonical
string representation of data (that you might later parse with Read
) and, for
most types, is not what we want. By the way, you can get a Show
instance for
free by using the deriving
data Conversation = Conversation { from :: Int
, to :: Int
, text :: String
} deriving (Show)
*Main> show (Conversation 1 2 "hello world")
"Conversation {from = 1, to = 2, text = \"hello world\"}"
Our own class
But nothing precludes us from creating a EncodeJson
type class instead of
relying on Show
class EncodeJson a where
toJson :: a -> String
The instances from integers and strings will delegate to show
and the instance
for Conversation
can be very similar to the earlier Show Conversation
. For other types will be able to have arbitrary implementations that will be called
polymorphically regardless of having no inheritance mechanism.
At this point we can revisit our original function and use EncodeJson
instead of Show
toJson3 :: EncodeJson a => [a] -> String
toJson3 elems = toArray $ map toJson elems
where toArray elems = '[' : concat (intersperse ", " elems) ++ "]"
Composing type classes
If you look carefully at toJson3
you will find that it is exactly what you
would expect from the implementation of EncodeJson
for a list of JSON-able
things. This is a very powerful pattern in which instances of more complex
types are created from instances of simpler ones. You just need to use a type
variable with a bound using the same syntax that in the function (EncodeJson a
instance EncodeJson a => EncodeJson [a] where
toJson elems = toArray $ map toJson elems
where toArray elems = '[' : concat (intersperse ", " elems) ++ "]"
This is very powerful since we can uniformly use toJson
for anything we can
combine from what we have defined. For example, a single string, lists of lists
of strings or a list of conversations.
*Main> toJson "hi"
*Main> toJson [["a", "b"], ["a"]]
"[[\"a\", \"b\"], [\"a\"]]"
*Main> toJson [Conversation 1 2 "hi", Conversation 2 1 "hello"]
"[{\"from\":1,\"to\":2,\"text\":\"hi\"}, {\"from\":2,\"to\":1,\"text\":\"hello\"}]"
Flexibility and separation of concerns
One notable feature of type classes is that you can define class instances for
types defined in other modules and for types you have no control at all. You
might write a EncodeJson
for a type from a third-party calendar library that
knows nothing about your API format.
You might want to have instances defined in a separate module to foster separation of concerns. For example, you might have a core module with types that model the domain and two other different modules defining how to map them to JSON and how to persist them.
Parting thoughts
Type classes are a powerful tool to build composable software, specially in languages that implements them like Haskell or Rust. They are also extremely useful in Scala despite being implemented as a design pattern on top of implicits. They are more verbose but, believe it or not, more flexible than Haskell’s ones in some respects.
We will take a look at type classes in Scala in an upcoming article. Meanwhile, you can see the complete code of this one in this gist.
I realized that by solving most problems in 4clojure that way. ↩
Look mum! A GoF pattern other than singleton! ↩
class in type class has nothing to do with object oriented classes. It should be understood as a family of types that can place a role. ↩
this base class is usually a dumpster of type unsafe stuff, like Java’s comparison operator that allows you to compare
as is it made sense. ↩